GH. Davarynejad, Ph.D.
Persian: غلامحسین داوری نژاد
This website offers information on my academic and professional career. It also provides access to some of my publications, and to projects I am or have been involved in. The following is the tag-cloud of the title of my publications and it reflects my past / current interests.

Prof. Dr. GholamHossein Davarynejad,
Professor of Horticultural Science,
Department of Horticulture,
Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran.
My Short Biography:
I was born in Mashhad (Persian: مشهد), the capital city of Razavi Khorasan - an ancient province of Iran and the birthplace of great poets Ferdowsi (935-1020 AD), Omar Khayyam (1048-1123 AD), and Akhavan Sales (1928-1990 AD).
From an early age, I knew I loved three things: weightlifting, wrestling and science. In the meantime, I've kept these while exploring a number of others. My work and studies have taken me to Sari, Mashhad, and Budapest.
I received my PhD in Horticulture from Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary in 1992. Currently I am a Professor at the Department of Horticulture at the Ferdowsi University of Mashhad where I have been a faculty member since 1987. I’m the Founder of the Department of Horticulture, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad and served as its director for twelve years. Also I'm the founder of Journal of Horticultural Science where I served as the Editor-in-chief for 12 years. I currently serve as the editorial board of several foreign and domestic journals. I supervised 27 PhD candidates and co-supervised 32 PhD candidates. I’m also the (co-)author of more than 250 scientific peer reviewed articles and co-author of 2 scientific books.
Recreation activities:
Hiking, Weight Lifting and Wrestling.
Have a look at the latest NEWS around my professional activities.
Have a look at the new website we have created for the company I have founded a while ago: Goharbar Farm and Nursery, in Persian or Goharbar Farm and Nursery, in English.
From time to time I write blog posts around diverse themes.
Have a look at the website of my son, Mohsen Davarynejad, who is a senior Machine Learning scientist.
Networking policy: Feel free to connect/contact if you have an interest in joint scientific work and/or you like to share/hear Entrepreneurial Ideas.
Ph.D. in Horticulture, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary.
Thesis Entitled: The biology of blossoming, fertility and varietals combination of apple cultivars.
M.Sc. in Agriculture, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary.
Thesis Entitled: Bee pollination of apple cultivars.
B.Sc. in Agriculture, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad (FUM), Faculty of Agriculture, Mashhad, Iran.
The following word cloud should give a glimpse of the type of academic and industry activities.

The above image is the word cloud of the title of my published articles as well as research and industry proposals.
Academic Appointments
1992 - Present | Professor of Horticultural Science | Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran. |
2019 - Present | Founder and Editorial board | Journal of Horticultural Science |
2010 - Present | Editorial board | Journal of Nuts (JON) |
2007 - 2019 | Founder and Editor-in-chief | Journal of Horticultural Science |
2005 | Member of Technical Committee | 5th Iranian Horticultural Science Congress, Shiraz, Iran |
2004 | Chairman | 4th Iranian Horticultural Science Congress, Mashhad, Iran |
2003 – 2007 | Head of Department of Horticulture | Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran |
1994 – 1998 | Head of Department of Horticulture | Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran |
1994 | Founder of the Department of Horticulture | Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran |
1993 – 1995 | Deputy Dean of Education and Graduate Studies | Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran |
Peer Reviewed Journals:
Note: This website is still under construction, and will take time for me to populate the list of Peer Reviewed Journals. For an almost complete list of my 155 Peer Reviewed Journals in English please visit here.
2021 | [pdf] | Atefe Ameri, GholamHossein Davarynejad, Nasrin Moshtaghi, Ali Tehranifar, Achieving highly efficient rooting procedure in three Pyrus communis cultivars by response surface methodology, In Vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology - Plant, 57, pp. 398-408 |
[pdf] | Mina Ghazaeian, GholamHossein Davarynejad, Kamal Ghasemi Bezdi, Seyyed Hossein Nemati, Embryo Culture of New Hybrid of Pecan (Carya Illinoensis) with Walnut (J. Regia and J. Nigra), Erwerbs-Obstbau, 63, pp. 185-192 | |
2020 | [pdf] | Abdollatif Fazeli Salmani, GholamHossein Davarynejad, Bahram Abedi, Could effective microorganisms improve tolerance of UCB1, Comunicata Scientiae, 11, pp. 1-7 |
[pdf] | Sajede Karimpour, GholamHossein Davarynejad, Mohammad Zaki AGhl, M.R. Safarnejad, N. Alburquerque, M.D. Nortes, L. Burgos, M. Rubio, P. Martiez-Gomez, Preliminary results on virus and viroids elimination in apricot through in vitro thermo- and cold-therapy, Acta Horticulturae, 272, pp. 119-122 | |
[pdf] | Atefe Ameri, GholamHossein Davarynejad, Nasrin Moshtaghi, Ali Tehranifar Semicompact canopy form in mixoploid plants differentiated from the endosperm of Pyrus communis cv. Natanzi: Evidence from flow cytometric analysis and anatomical and morphological traits, Annals of Applied Biology, 177, pp. 385-394 | |
[pdf] | Mitra Rahmati, J.M. Miras-Avalos, P. Valsesia, GholamHossein Davarynejad, Mohammad Bannayan Aval, MAzizi, F. Lescourret, M. Genard, G. Vercambre Assessing the effects of water stress on peach fruit quality and size using the QualiTree model , Acta Horticulturae, 1281, pp. 539-546 | |
[pdf] | Atefe Ameri, Ali Tehranifar, GholamHossein Davarynejad, Mahmoud Shoor, Flowering times and some growth indicators of strawberry were affected by physical properties of the growing media, Scientia Horticulturae, 272, pp. 109601-109621 | |
[pdf] | Sajede Karimpour, Gholam Hossein Davarynejad, Mohammad Zaki AGhl, Mohammad Reza Safarnejad, Optimization of plant growth regulators for in vitro shoot proliferation of apple cv. ʽAbbasiʼ using response surface method , Journal of Plant Physiology and Breeding, 10, pp. 111-125 | |
2019 | [pdf] | Pegah SayyadAmin, GholamHossein Davarynejad, Bahram Abedi, Der Einfluss von Polyamin und SICS auf Qualitäts- und Kompatibilitäts-Indizes bei Birnensaft (Pyrus communis L. cv. ‘Williams Christ’) , Erwerbs-Obstbau, 61, pp. 273-282 |
[pdf] | Hadi zeraatgar, GholamHossein Davarynejad, Farid Moradi Nejad, Bhram Abedi, Preharvest Application Effect of Salicylic Acid and Calcium Nitrate on Physicochemical Characteristics of Fresh Jujube Fruit (Ziziphus jujuba. Mill) During Storage , Erwerbs-Obstbau, 16, pp. 119-127 | |
2018 | [pdf] | Tahereh Parvaneh, Bhram Abedi, GholamHossein Davarynejad, Ebrahim Ganji Moghadam, Enzyme activity, phenolic and flavonoid compounds in leaves of Iranian red flesh apple cultivars grown on different rootstocks , Scientia Horticulturae, 246, pp. 862-870 |
[pdf] | Pegah SayyadAmin, GholamHossein Davarynejad, Bahram Abedi, The effect of polyamines and SICS on the compatibility, fertility and yield indices of apple cv. Golden Delicious , Advances in Horticultural Science, 32, pp. 213-219 | |
[pdf] | Seyedeh Faezeh Taghizadeh, Ramin Rezaee, GholamHossein Davarynejad, Gholamreza Karimi, Seyyed Hossein Nemati, Javad Asili, Phenolic profile and antioxidant activity of Pistacia vera var. Sarakhs hull and kernel extracts: the influence of different solvents , Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization, 12, pp. 2138-2144 | |
[pdf] | Seyedeh Faezeh Taghizadeh, R. Rezaee, GholamHossein Davarynejad, J. Asili, Seyyed Hossein Nemati, M. Goumenoud, I. Tsakiris, A. M. Tsatsakis, K. Shirani, Gh.R. Karimi, Risk assessment of exposure to aflatoxin B1 and ochratoxin A through consumption of different Pistachio ( Pistacia vera L.) cultivars collected from four geographical regions of Iran , Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology, 61, pp. Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology | |
[pdf] | Pegah SayyadAmin, GholamHossein Davarynejad, Bahram Abedi, The application of polyamines and self-incompatibility control substance on yield indices and qualitative traits of apple cv ‘Red Delicious’ , Acta Scientiarum-Biological Sciences, 40, pp. 1-8 | |
[pdf] | Mina Nurzadeh Namaghi, GholamHossein Davarynejad, Hossein Ansari, Seyyed Hossein Nemati, A. Zarea Feyzabady, Effects of mulching on soil temperature and moisture variations, leaf nutrient status, growth and yield of pistachio trees (Pistacia vera.L) , Scientia Horticulturae, 241, pp. 115-123 | |
[pdf] | Hadi zeraatgar, GholamHossein Davarynejad, Farid Moradinezhad, Bahram Abedi, Chinese Jujube Physicochemical Characteristics, Storability And Marketing In Response To Preharvest Application Of Salicylic Acid And Calcium Nitrate , Ukrainian Journal of Ecology, 8, pp. 601-607 | |
[pdf] | Hossein Ebrahimi, Bahram Abedi, Hojatollah Bodaghi, GholamHossein Davarynejad, Hamid Haratizadeh, Amalia Conte, Investigation of developed clay‐nanocomposite packaging film on quality of peach fruit ( Prunus persica Cv. Alberta) during cold storage , Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 42 | |
[pdf] | Mitra Rahmati, José M. Mirás-Avalos, Pierre Valsesia, Françoise Lescourret, Michel Génard, Gholamhossein Davarynejad, Mohammad Bannayan, Majid Azizi and Gilles Vercambre1, Disentangling the Effects of Water Stress on Carbon Acquisition, Vegetative Growth, and Fruit Quality of Peach Trees by Means of the QualiTree Model, Frontiers in Plant Science 9:3. | |
[pdf] | Sohrab Davarpanah, AliTehranifar, Javier Abadía, Jesús Val, Gholamhossein Davarynejad, Mehdi Aran, Reza Khorassanid, Foliar calcium fertilization reduces fruit cracking in pomegranate (Punica granatum cv. Ardestani), Scientia Horticulturae, 230, pp. 86-91. | |
[pdf] | Sohrab Davarpanah, Ali Tehranifar, Javier Abadía, Jesús Val, Gholamhossein Davarynejad, Mehdi Aran, Reza Khorassani, Foliar calcium fertilization reduces fruit cracking in pomegranate (Punica granatum cv. Ardestani), Scientia Horticulturae, 230, pp. 86–91. | |
[pdf] | Atefe Ameri, Gholamhossein Davarynejad, Nasrin Moshtaghi, Ali Tehranifar Polyethylene glycol and chilling overcome Somatic embryogenesis obstacle in Pyrus communis, Scientia Horticulturae, 227, pp. 57–64 | |
[pdf] | Seyedeh Faezeh Taghizadeh, GholamHossein Davarynejad, J. Asili, Seyyed Hossein Nemati, Gh. Karimi, Assessment of phenolic profile and antioxidant power of five pistachio cultivars collected from four geographical regions of Iran, Avicenna Journal of Phytomedicine, 8(1), pp. 33-42 | |
[pdf] | Zohreh Hoshyar, Bahram Abedi, E.Ganji Moghadam, GholamHossein Davarynejad, Effect of Arbuscular Mycorrhiza on Growth and Physiological Behavior of PHL-C Rootstock, Journal of Plant Physiology and Breeding, 7(1), pp. 53-60 | |
[pdf] | Hadi Zeraatgar, GholamHossein Davarynejad, F. Moradinezhad, Bahram Abedi, Effect of Salicylic Acid and Calcium Nitrate Spraying on Qualitative Properties and Storability of Fresh Jujube Fruit (Ziziphus jujube Mill.), Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca, 46, pp. 138-147 | |
2017 | [pdf] | Seyedeh Faezeh Taghizadeh, GholamHossein Davarynejad, J. Asilib, Seyyed Hossein Nemati, R. Rezaee, M. Goumenoud, A. M Tsatsakis, Gh. Karimif Health risk assessment of heavy metals via dietary intake of five pistachio ( Pistacia vera L.) cultivars collected from different geographical sites of Iran, Food and Chemical Toxicology, 107(9), pp. 99-107 |
[pdf] | Shadan Khorshidi, GholamHossein Davarynejad, Leila Samiei, Mohammad Moghaddam, Study of Genetic Diversity of Pear Genotypes and Cultivars (Pyrus communis L.) Using Inter-Simple Sequence Repeat Markers, Erwerbs-Obstbau, 59, pp. 301–308 | |
[pdf] | Zeinab Safaei, Majid Azizi, GholamHossein Davarynejad, Hossein Arouiee, The Effect of Planting Seasons on Quantitative and Qualitative Characteristics of Black cumin -Nigella sativa L.- , Journal of Medicinal Plants and By-products, 6, pp. 27-33 | |
[pdf] | Zohreh Hoshyar, Ebrahim Ganji Moghadam, Bahram Abedi, GholamHossein Davarynejad, Micropropagation of Sweet Cherry Dwarf Rootstock (PHL-C), Jordan Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 13 | |
2016 | [pdf] | Sohrab Davarpanah, Ali Tehranifar, GholamHossein Davarynejad, Javier Abadía, Reza Khorassani, Effects of foliar applications of zinc and boron nano-fertilizers on pomegranate (Punica granatum cv. Ardestani) fruit yield and quality, Scientia Horticulturae, 2010(10), pp. 57-64 |
2015 | [pdf] | Mitra Rahmati, GholamHossein Davarynejad, M. Genard, Mohammad Bannayan Aval, Majid Azizi, G. Vercambre, Peach water relations, gas exchange, growth and shoot mortality under water deficit in semi-arid weather conditions, PLoS One, 2015(4) |
[pdf] | Mitra Rahmati, Gilles Vercambre, GholamHossein Davarynejad, Mohammad Bannayan Aval, Maid Azizi, Michel Génard Water scarcity conditions affect peach fruit size and polyphenol contents more severely than other fruit quality traits, Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 95(5), pp. 1055-1065 |
Selected National and International Peer Reviewed Conference Papers:
Note: This website is still under construction, and will take time for me to populate the list of Conference Papers. For an almost complete list of 75 National and International Peer Reviewed Conference Papers visit here.
2014 | [pdf] | Peyman Azarkish, Mohammad Moghaddam, Jamil Vaezi, Abdollah GhasemiPirbalouti, GholamHossein Davarynejad, Genetic diversity of different ecotypes of horse mint (mentha longifolia) in southwest of Iran using Morphological traits, 4th National Congress on Medicinal Plants. |
[pdf] | Mitra Rahmati, Gilles Vercambre, Pierre Valsesia, Gholam Hossein Davarynejad, Mohammad Bannayan Aval, Majid Azizi, Françoise Lescourret, Michel Génard, Enhancing the ability of QualiTree to study the effect of water availability on the fruit-tree development and growth, X International Symposium on Modelling in Fruit Research and Orchard Management. | |
[pdf] | S.Z. Persely, I. Ertsey, M. Ladányi, J. Nyéki, M. Soltész, Z. Szabó, G.H. Davarynejad and T. Szabó, Climatic Indicator Analysis of Bloom Time for Sour Cherries, Acta Horticulturae (ISHS) 1020, pp. 239-246. | |
[pdf] | G.H. Davarynejad, Z. Szabo, S.Z. Persely, T. Szabo and J. Nyéki, The Fruit Set Capability of Some Sour Cherry Cultivars (Prunus cerasus L.), Acta Horticulturae (ISHS) 1020, pp. 181-184. | |
[pdf] | G.H. Davarynejad, J. Nyéki, T. Szabo, L. Lakatos, Z. and Szabó, Fruit Drop Pattern of Sour Cherry Cultivars, Acta Horticulturae (ISHS) 1020, pp. 185-189. | |
[pdf] | G.H. Davarynejad, Z. Aryanpooya, and S.Z. Persely, Effect of Modified Atmosphere Packaging on Fresh Sour Cherry Fruit Quality, Acta Horticulturae (ISHS) 1020, pp. 143-147. | |
[pdf] | Z. Aryanpooya, G.H. Davarynejad, and L. Lakatosb, Postharvest Quality of Sour Cherry Fruits Sprayed by Ethephon, Acta Horticulturae (ISHS) 1020, pp. 121-126. | |
PhD Courses
The physiology of Flowering |
Physiology of Fruit Growth and Development |
Root stock physiology |
Master Courses
Greenhouse and Nursery Management |
Horticultural plant nutrition |
Advance of Plant propagation |
Physiology of fruit trees |
Bachelor Courses
Plant propagation |
Principle of Horticulture |
Tree culture |
Temperate zone pomology |
Physiology of Growth and Yield |
Organic Production of Horticultural Crops |
Plant Nutrition and Metabolism |
If you are a current or former student of mine, I would be happy to know where you are and what you are doing. Just drop me an email. I'd like to put up links on this page highlighting my students and their work.
Postgraduate Students
Saeed Rezaeeian Bajgiran | PhD Candidate |
Hosain Roohbakhsh | PhD Candidate |
Safieh Vatandoost Jartoodeh | PhD Candidate |
Mitra Rahmati | PhD Candidate |
Mehdi Khayyat | PhD Candidate |
Hamid Mohammadi Aliabd | PhD Candidate |
Ali Akbar Shokouhian | PhD Candidate |
Mohammad Reza Vazifeshenas | PhD Candidate |
Mehdi Zarei Mohamadabad | PhD Candidate |
F. Alizade | PhD Candidate |
Hadi Zeraatgar | PhD Candidate |
Mahdy Nasirpoor | PhD Candidate |
M. Nurzadeh Namaghi | PhD Candidate |
Pegah SayyadAmin | PhD Candidate |
Shadi Attar | PhD Candidate |
Seyedeh Faezeh Taghizadeh | PhD Candidate |
Shadan Khorshidi | PhD Candidate |
Sajede Karimpour | PhD Candidate |
Dhulfiqar Hamiz | PhD Candidate |
A. Ameri | PhD Candidate |
M. Ghazaeian | PhD Candidate |
A. Fazeli | PhD Candidate |
H. Hassanpoor | PhD Candidate |
E. Ardakany | PhD Candidate |
Ali Shokouhian | PhD Candidate |
M. Javaheri | PhD Candidate |
K. Dolatabady | PhD Candidate |
Sakineh Arefkhani | M.Sc. Student |
Mohammad-Ebrahim Nasrabadi | M.Sc. Student |
Mahmood Goli | M.Sc. Student |
Somayeh Dorafshan | M.Sc. Student |
Elham Ardakani | M.Sc. Student |
Sajedeh Karimpour | M.Sc. Student |
Aliakbar Seddigy | |
Hossein Karoony Foolady | |
Hossein Afshary | |
Mohammad Ahmadi | |
Hamid Hassanpour | |
S. Jamalian | |
Mahmood Ansari | |
Zainab Aryanpooya | |
Saeed Mahmoodi Tabar | |
Behnam Esfandiari | |
Abdolghader Moemeny | |
Reza Mansouri Dehshoaibi | |
Maryam Akheratee | |
Z. Ghayoor Karimiani | |
M. Sheibani | |
Ehsan Davarynejad | |
Mehran Asfanani | |
A.V. Azghandi | |
M. Taghizadeh | |
A. Toosi |
GholamHossein Davarynejad ( Persian: غلامحسین داوری نژاد )
Postal Address: Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Horticulture, Po.Box: 91775-1163, Mashhad/ Iran.
+098 (0)511-8795618
davarynej AT um DOT ac DOT ir